VUCA 4.0
VUCA – leadership in uncertain times
Today’s business world, subjected to rapid transformation and time compression, is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous – VUCA. Traditional management methods, particularly in the business based on technologies and industry 4.0., became insufficient in order to cope with the amount of changes that are taking place in the business environment.
Modern managers working in the world of new technologies are required to present an innovative approach in thinking about business. Our consulting and training offer responds to these challenges by:
– focusing on management in volatile environment and designing solutions that allow for the functioning of the organisation in uncertain times
– understanding the activities of the organisation, in order to take advantage of the changing circumstances by identifying your strengths and at the same time levelling your weaknesses, thanks to the industry 4.0. solutions.
– designing possible scenarios of the future for the enterprise that takes into account the scenarios of possible changes by analysing signals of change and creating possible trends in the future of the organisation.
The VUCA leaders are constantly learning and developing. They focus on using an innovative way of thinking about the leadership, thanks to which they are ready to respond to the emerging challenges.
In consulting activities, we focus on the concept of redefinition of the VUCA acronym into Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility. The leaders and organisations should acquire and be guided in their activity by the vision which allows for survival in difficult times.
Understanding and good communication make the implementation of this vision easier. Clear and well organised processes will allow for making right decisions, and agility will allow the organisation to easily adapt and carry out changes.
We give an ability to manage in uncertain times, in the process of transformation, during the crisis, in the most difficult moments of the organisation’s functioning. Examples may include the COVID-19 situation, threat of the loss of fluency, implementing changes related to the mental change among the employees and to the turbulent business environment. To put it simply, as a part of the VUCA programme, we do what is the hardest for you.
Individual consulting is focused on the analysis and the evaluation of the business environment:
– creating models responsible for diagnosis and implementing changes in the enterprise
– developing the action plan concentrated on the management skills in complex environment
– building self-awareness, understanding the prospects and adjusting behaviours to the unknown environments, diagnosis, communication and engaging the customers in the new strategy of the enterprise.