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Contemporary realities of professional work often influence the quality of our personal and social life. We work more, longer and faster. Regardless of its form, we spend at work a large amount of time. It becomes more frequent that it is hard for us to separate these two worlds: professional and private. Workaholism tends to be a taboo subject, same as professional burnout. Sometimes we are ashamed to admit, that we do not cope any more. Additionally, workaholism is socially acceptable – which employer would not like to have an employee in his/her team that is always at work, ready to perform additional tasks? Only that workaholism is not a passion, but an addiction – similar in its mechanisms to other forms of addictions.  It is mentally exhausting, takes away the satisfaction from work and relationships with others, devastates self-esteem, generates plenty of fear and anxiety, ruins personal and family life and in the end…the path of our professional career.  Many people search for meaning and fulfilment in their work. Why in certain, unclear moment, we feel exhausted, drained, deprived of strength and resources? How to cope in situations when professional work negatively changes our life and us as people? Both of these phenomena result from disturbed relationship with professional work and imbalance between our ideals, expectations and professional reality.  

If you feel hopeless, crushed by experiences of professional work, you need help and support in arranging your professional path – contact us! We offer comprehensive psychological support: consultations, individual coaching, psychotherapy with „evidenced-based” approach. What distinguishes us is not only many years of psychological practice, but also the research experience in the field of professional burnout and workaholism. We know well how to help you!

The department is coordinated by dr Magdalena Ślazyk- Sobol (Ph. D.), psychologist, coach, business coach. She works in the field of rational emotive behaviour therapy and therapy focused on solutions (currently in the process of certification, advanced course). She has been supporting individual and institutional clients in the areas of strengthening personal resources and coping with pathologies of professional life for several years. She is an assistant professor at the Department of Management Psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Wrocław. Her scientific research concerns professional burnout and workaholism. She is an author of many scientific and popular science papers in the field of professional burnout and workaholism. 

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